Naparima Girls' High School Library
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Developing a Research Question
A Research question is the question around which you center your research. You need to develop a unique question and then find sources that supports your topic or argument.
Steps to follow when Developing your Research Question
#1 Identify Your Topic
This is the starting place from where you develop a research question. Choose a topic about an issue that you are genuinely curious and/or passionate about.
#2 Refine by Searching
Do some preliminary research on your general topic. Do a few quick searches to see what's already been done on your topic as well as the issues surrounding your topic.
#3 Refine by Narrowing
Once you have started to understand your topic and the issues surrounding it, it's time to start narrowing your topic and develop a research question. This can be done by the 5W's and 1H Method.
The 5W's and 1H Method
Are you interested in a specific group of people. Can you topic be narrowed by age, gender or ethnicity.
What are the issues surrounding your topic. When doing the background reading did you notice any gaps or questions that need answering.
Can your topic be narrowed down to a geographic location. Maybe a state, town, village or school. Try not to get too narrow here.
Is your topic current or historical. Did a recent event lead your topic to become and area of study. Knowing when helps in understanding the triggers and impact of the problem.
Why are you interested in this topic. Why might others be interested in the topic. Asking why helps to clarify the causes and occurrence of the topic.
How are you going to approach your topic. What kind of information do you need: primary/secondary. What is your methodology.
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